Nutella & C.

In riferimento ai Biscotti Nutella, sarebbe interessante vedere anche l’incremento di vendita che stanno avendo i biscotti simili. Mi spiego, ogni volta che vado al supermercato osservo cosa le persone fanno, vanno allo scaffale dei biscotti, non trovano i Nutella e comprano quelli (che secondo loro) sono più simili. Questo dimostra che la sindrome del palio di Siena è dannosa e che invece il successo di un nostro competitor può portare vantaggi.

Maven and Keytool

Sometimes using Maven you can have this error:

> Unable to load Maven meta-data from

> Could not HEAD ‘’.

> PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

I resolve in this way:

  1. Download the cert of the site using the browser
  2. Reset my keytool password as reported here (note the changeit password)
  3. sudo keytool -import -alias YOURALIAS -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts -file file.crt

Where file.crt is the file downloaded at point 1)

The occasion makes man distracted

Today I saw that one of my favorite tools, Trello, created the Desktop version; the slogan of this choice is “Eliminate Distractions”. In fact, web tools have increased the usability of the tools (just use a web browser) but if we are honest we must admit that the browser is a source of distractions; is it really so easy to check mail every time we open that “blessed” window? Is it easy to resist the temptation to read that news? By paraphrasing an old proverb: “The occasion makes the thief man” (and considering that wasting time is a theft to ourselves) we could say that “The occasion makes man distracted.” The return to desktop applications could help (even grandma’s methods are sometimes the most effective)

Not only robot

In this period the figure of Isaac Asimov is very present, for the laws of robotics. There is another book That I think is very timely: “The Nacked Sun”. In this book, in addition to being present robots with their problems, there is a world where humans communicate only look through a screen, trying to bother even to not stay in the same room with other people, because they do not want to breathe the same air. The same procreation is just artificial. Is it a science fiction book?

Are we all copies?

In these days i see a lot of peoples that want to think as Jobs or Gates or others, but these are originals because are themselves, no copy. I see a lot of books to think as Jobs or similar, with all the respect for Jobs, but i think that he is not the best mind of the world. Copernico, Galileo, Leonardo, Einstein, Turing, Tesla. Ritchie, were stupids? Don’t have they improved the world? Maybe we think what Genius does not require effort, but Edison told: “Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration”, it is harder than reading a book.


In these days we talk a lot of coding as the new critical thinking and as new literature. I want to go besides, perhaps with the coding you are back to the old science, That before the French Revolution (from That moment onwards Scientists have always Been More classified in sectoral almost confused with the “technical” disciplines). Prior to this  (the two World Conflicts completed this change) the Scientists were multidisciplinary, think of Galileo, Leonardo And Others; they were philosophers, inventors, hackers (curious) Today with the coding maybe we again individually purchasing this multidisciplinarity,  Returning to take care of the diversity of Humanity aspects (the software must Solve a Problem (reduced to mathematical formulas – pure coding) but must interface with Being Human (psychology visual, emotional, etc.), dropped in the context (sociology.) What the machines push us to rediscover humanity That we were losing?

OpenSuse Leap 42.1 Nvidia failure after update

Today (in the morning) i have updated my Suse, after the reboot instead of the graphical login appears a X11 black screen. With CTRL+ALT+F1 i can log in textual mode and see the output of dmesg, seems that not all the NVIDIA packages are updated to the latest version. I found this solution (i hope it can to be useful for other user that have this problem), reinstall all NVIDIA packages already installed. After the reboot i had graphical login.

v-play on opensuse 12.3

To install v-play game engine on opensuse 12.3:


  1. zypper install mesa-libgl-dev
  2. zypper addrepo opensuse-games-x64
  3. zypper install libglfw-devel freeglut-devel libzip-devel


This step is only to resolve installation dependencies.You’ll probably have to change something to compile. Stay tuned